
Audacity podcast
Audacity podcast

Your listeners will not see this link, so it can be a simple download link, like.

  • Once the MP3 files is uploaded to your website, create a link for it.
  • Here are some tips and references for self hosting your podcast: This option offers complete control over your podcast, but is complicated and can be time consuming unless you are an experienced web developer. If you self host your podcast, you will also need to generate the RSS feed to syndicate your podcast. If you do not have your own server, you can sign up for an account with a hosting service and then upload your MP3 files. Podcasters can self host their podcasts on a personal server.
  • will allow you to redirect your RSS feed if decide to move podcast hosts.
  • has sufficient storage space and data transfer limits to host your podcast.
  • audacity podcast

    When selecting a host you should consider whether the host: You can host the episodes yourself, or host with a podcast hosting company. To distribute your podcast, the MP3 file must be hosted somewhere on the Internet. Here are some examples of the bitrates used by some of the most popular podcasts: A spoken-word podcast will typically sound good at 64kbps, while a podcast that focuses on music might sound best near 128kbps. Then choose an appropriate MP3 bit rate when exporting from Audacity - higher bit rates generally give better audio quality, but lead to higher bandwidth costs and longer download times. First, download and add the LAME encoding library to your computer. Once you have edited your podcast in Audacity, you can export it as an MP3 file.

    audacity podcast

    The MP3 format is a universal size-compressed audio format that can be played on nearly all computers and portable devices. 5.2 Submit your feed to iTunes and other podcast directoriesĪ majority of podcasts are saved as MP3 files.3.2 Use FeedBurner with Your Own Domain Name.2.2 Hosting with a Podcast Hosting Company.

    Audacity podcast